Of course, this stepped-up campaign against domestic violence can also lead to some miscarriages of justice. False arrests for domestic violence in Las Vegas are a common occurrence, and is a major detriment to the conviction of actual guilty parties. As such, local criminal defense attorneys often provide defense recommendations on how to avoid being convicted on a domestic violence charge:
- claim an unethical arrest took place
- cite a lack of evidence for the arrest
- plaintiff was drunk or not in the right state of mind at the time of the crime
- call up witnesses that can testify of the plaintiff's absence during the time of the crime
- state that the incident was an act of self-defense and any severe injuries were accidental
- gather and study key pieces of evidence that can be used to prevent a conviction from happening, if the case goes to trial
Knowing the key defense strategies against a domestic violence conviction can spell the difference between an acquittal and severe penalties.