Domestic Violence Crimes
Unfortunately crimes happen at home, in a family and close relationship setting.
Here are some chilling facts:
40-70% of women related homicides are directly caused by someone they are intimate with.
While countries like Bangladesh, Peru, Tanzania and Ethiopia showed signs that the violence was almost close to 50% of female members, The UK and US were close to about 30% and 22% respectively.
In the US, women in a household of larger income brackets are subject to domestic violence much less than those who are not doing very well. The age of women subject to this in the US are usually 16-24yr olds.
All domestic violence acts are manifestations of the accused trying to dominate and have more power over the other person and it could be sexual, physical and verbal.
Throughout the years, parents, husbands, cargeivers, caretakes and who have you been involved in violence at home. Many customs in some countries were acceptable.
Here are a few types of violence that goes beyond just battery or physical assault.
Acid throwing - done by a jealous partner, especially seen and heard of in Asia and in the Middle east.
Dowry deaths and Bride burning - prevalent social problem in parts of Asia especially India where the family compels the bride to suicide through persistent humiliation in order to extort dowry money.
Honor killing - Justification of killing someone who brings dishonor to the family name.
Marital rape - forced and coerced sex with unwilling spouse.
Foot Binding - painful binding of feet of young girls by parents to make them grow smaller.
In Nevada, there have been much debate about the actual figures of domestic violence but Nevada has been a hot zone for this kind of crime. Read more here.
The truth is that this crime is out there and most often goes unnoticed. You can find out more about the statutes, penalties and legal definition of domestic abuse here. If you are in Las Vegas, Henderson and surrounding areas in Clark County, you need to know what the law says about the victim and to the aggressor.
If you need legal help :
Contact Attorney Ross Goodman
Criminal Defense Lawyer
520 South 4th Street, Las Vegas, NV 89101-6593
Phone: (702) 383-5088 / Fax: (702) 385-5088
If you need legal help :
Contact Attorney Ross Goodman
Criminal Defense Lawyer
520 South 4th Street, Las Vegas, NV 89101-6593
Phone: (702) 383-5088 / Fax: (702) 385-5088