Posted on Behalf of Attorney Ross Goodman for Criminal Defense
In every major
city, much like Las Vegas, crimes are most consistent in terms of plaguing both
the people and the government. It is the society’s cancer that slowly creeps on
its roads and instills fear on everyone.
Though the law made it clear that
ignorance to the law does not excuse a violator, there are still who are stubborn
enough to even bother knowing what the dos and don’ts of the law. In United
States alone, both misdemeanor and felony-typed crimes are being committed with
the perpetrator’s knowledge. Here are some:
in Las Vegas, everyone must face the fact that the city itself is almost synonymous
to night-long parties with alcoholic drinks flowing like rivers. It may sound
to be a very festive activity but its great downside is what happens after the party? Whether you are a
moderate drinker or a party animal, there are laws that govern people away from
accidents. Intoxicated or not, it is a misconception that you cannot be
arrested if you only had a few a drink or two. Whether you deemed yourself to
be an abled driver after the party, alcoholic substances are explicitly
dangerous to the driver and to other people.
Disorderly Conduct
this is generally a misdemeanor rather than a felony, disorderly conduct is
being referred by some state as a disorderly conduct. For example, fighting in
public, better known as “affray,” is
an offence that takes place when two or more person fights in public causing
fear or terror to the public. Assault, riot, public nuisance, riot, disturbing
the peace, disorderly conduct takes a lot of form but can eventually lead to
the arrest or warning of the person/s involved.
Las Vegas alone, the offence theft crimes carry a serious offence if found
guilty. In order for this crime to happen, the perpetrator of the crime must at
least take a property of another person without their consent. With the
malicious intent of not returning the taken property, the original can then
file charges to against the perpetrator. Like disorderly conduct, theft crimes
are known to have variations like burglary, larceny, fraud, shoplifting and
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