Another DUI (Driving Under the Influence) offense in Nevada within seven years after the first one is considered a second DUI violation. While not differing too much when it comes to penalties from the first one, a second DUI in Nevada still means a tarnish to your records and reputation.
Carrying two DUIs is not something you should be proud of. Yes, you can seal the records after a few years but it is ultimately better to be cleared off any conviction in the first place. Go read this post to learn about the defenses that can help you avoid a second DUI conviction.
Definition of second DUI in Nevada
It is considered a second DUI in Nevadawhen you have committed the offense seven years after the first case had closed. Of course, to be arrested and charged with DUI in Nevada, you need to have had reached or went beyond a particular BAC (blood alcohol concentration level). It is 0.08 for alcohol while it varies for drugs.
When arrested for a second DUI in Nevada, there will always be a mandatory sentence that might last at least 10 days whether in jail or through a house arrest. You should also know that if your first DUI is a felony, you will automatically be indicted with a felony charge so take caution when handling this case.
Defenses you can use
Now, DUI cases, even if they are just misdemeanor cases, need to be managed along with a DUI lawyerif you want to get out of it unscathed. With this at hand, it is recommended to get a legal representation first if you have not already.
Together with your counsel, you can do one of the basic defenses for a second DUI charge in Nevadawhich is challenging the entire procedure of your case starting from the arrest. You can cite unlawful stopping, police harassment, incoherent sobriety tests done on you, and the fact that the police does not have a probable cause of arresting you.
Another defense is the usage of physical status at the time of the arrest. There are many factors that can increase your BAC level without you actually ingesting alcohol. If the DUI is drug-related, you can opt for the angle of unknowingly taking controlled substances or being under duress.
It might need an insurmountable amount of shreds of evidence and preparation but you can also argue that your first DUI sentence is not valid, just a reckless driving charge or is already way past of the statutes for your current case to be even considered as second DUI in Nevada.
Fighting a second DUI in Nevadais definitely a challenge as you already have the burden of the first offense on your shoulders but with the aid of strong defenses and a competent DUI lawyer it is definitely going to be more manageable.