Monday, November 3, 2014

Contending an Extended Protection Order for Domestic Violence in Las Vegas

Extended Protection Order for Domestic Violence in Las Vegas

In Las Vegas, A person who is charged with an Extended Protection Order (EPO) for domestic violence has to face numerous consequences. Here are some of them:

You may be prevented from seeing your children and pets
You may be sent away from your home
You may be forbidden to use firearms 
You may be required to pay for child support, mortgages, and other amount requested by the complainant
The protective order can be used as an evidence against you in family law disputes
Disqualification for employment and educational opportunities

Since Extended Protection Orders last for up to 1 year, the court provides the accused an opportunity for a hearing within 45 days after the EPO was filed. Otherwise, the court may not permit the petition. Once you were informed about the EPO in Las Vegas, NV., contact a Las Vegas domestic assault attorney as soon as possible to prevent the protective order from staying in effect for a long period of time. Remember not to violate any provision in the protective order for it can lead to heavier charges.

The EPO Hearing
The hearing for an EPO is a fast proceeding. Usually, the judge only takes 10-20 minutes to hear the sides of each party. The hearing is not meant to be a trial. Although you can present your case alone, it is advisable to hire a defense lawyer to be assured that you will be given a sufficient time for laying out your case. Keep in mind that you have to remain calm while in court. Any type of misbehavior can lead the judge to implement a permanent protection or restraining order against you.

How can a Domestic Violence Lawyer Help Me?
A domestic violence lawyer can help you be free from an extended protection order. He can deal with the law enforcers and the prosecutor on your behalf. He can also file a motion in court, can present defense witnesses, and also cross examine the complainant to strengthen your case. If there is a thin chance that your case will be dismissed, the domestic violence lawyer can still find ways to at least reduce the charges against you through plea bargaining. 

If you have been charged with an extended protection order, contact Atty. Ross Goodman right away. Ross is the most experienced domestic violence attorney in Las Vegas. You can reach him at (702) 383 - 5088 for consultation and inquiries.