Its the holiday time again and once more, people take to enjoying one too many drinks, or simply may not be focused on what they usually do daily and so some unusual patterns seem to come to play.
Over the Labor Holiday weekend, lets see what has taken place :-
Loved ones mourn 23-year-old killed in suspected DUI crash
A 23 yr old male, in a tragic accident involved him dying at the spot, whereas the driver was taken to a hospital for hip reconstruction surgery. Reportedly, the car hit a brick wall while speeding in an intersection.
A woman also hit a brick wall near Lake Mead, and the police suspect DUI and having no seatbelt on during the incidence to be the cause of death.
4 Dui arrests and 5 motorists with Drug related charges..
The police know all too well that there is a darker side to celebrations!
So far in this year, we have had 35 fatalities in Nevada Roadways in 2013. 66/259 in 2012 died on Nevada roadways due to alcohol related motor accidents.
I think the message is clear. DUI and holidays are synonymous and its wiser to be on guard especially on these days.
Message from Ross Goodman, a drunk driving defense lawyer in Las Vegas.