For the longest time, men have been getting the short end of
the stick when the law should be fair to everyone.
For starters, men in general will be imprisoned longer, and
receive harsher penalties for the same crime when compared to women. Lighter
sentences are handed out to women, often through probation or suspended
sentence, sometimes not even receiving a sentence at all. And yes, when imprisoned,
they have better chances and have a shorter duration when getting a parole.
Domestic violence cases are especially tricky. When someone
calls the police because of an alleged domestic violence crime, someone has to spend a night in jail, even if
the caller was a male victim. This should be against the presumption of innocence,
yet it still happens.
While domestic violence cases are already bad enough, rape
cases are even worse for men. People are more inclined to believe the woman
rather than the man when in rape cases, even if the man is innocent. Even if
they are victim, it is still equally bad. If the victim is male, most people
will treat him with ridicule or claim that he was lucky for “getting some”. The
judge or the jury may also have this same mindset, as evidenced by many cases
when the woman rapist got off scot-free or a slap on the wrist.
False rape claims are rising because they only receive
nominal punishments, while he spends his days in jail, or have to pay
ridiculous fees.
And of course, there's paying child support and/or alimony. It
may not be related to criminal defense, but it still is a huge problem in the
US, with women still taking advantage of getting payment even if they she has
the higher income, or just to ruin or give the man a bad reputation. And yet,
when he can’t pay, again, he gets sent to jail.